Luckwell is a member of the Excalibur Academies Trust (EAT). Luckwell Primary has a Academy Committee.
The Excalibur Scheme of Delegation can be viewed Here
Luckwell's Academy Committee Membership
Anna JenkinsCommunity Governor (Chair)
Anna Jenkins
Chair of Academy Committee
Anna moved from London to Bedminster in 2018 and is proud to be part of the local governing body at Luckwell Primary School and serve the local community. Anna has professional qualifications in Public Relations and Project Management. Anna's experience of working within university education and healthcare has enabled her to bring many skills to the board. Her expertise is in change management, communications and engagement. She believes in working with others to create open and supportive environments where everyone can thrive and achieve their best potential. In her spare time you will find Anna reading, watching box sets, at the theatre or planning for her next travels.
Lilly ByersHeadteacher
Lilly Byers
Lizzie MizenCommunity Governor
Lizzie Mizen
As a parent at Luckwell, I feel really strongly about my children, and other children in the community, experiencing the best possible outcomes from their primary education. By joining the governing team, I feel I would be contributing in some small way towards this happening.
Marie-Elaine CarrollTeaching Staff Governor
Marie-Elaine Carroll
I have a wealth of experience in education both in the UK and abroad, ranging from roles in Leadership and Management, mentoring and coaching to classroom teaching. I am passionate about ensuring Luckwell Primary School is at the very heart of Bedminster, where the pupils receive the best education possible to become learners who are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to succeed in their life journey.
Stanford WildgooseCommunity Governor
Stanford Wildgoose
Stanford is a policy professional working for the Department for Education and is always keen to help make schools the best places they can be! If there is anything he can do to help or a question he can answer, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Sarah AlmondCommunity Governor
Sarah Almond
Sarah is committed to ensuring all students, no matter their background, have access to a high quality education. She has a background in secondary education and currently works in widening access at The University of Bristol. She lives nearby and has primary aged children. You’ll find Sarah running, walking the dog or touring the playgrounds of
Bristol in her spare time! -
Arti Jones (Vice Chair)Community Governor
Arti Jones (Vice Chair)
I moved to Bedminster in 2016 and immediately fell in love with the area, having made it my home since. Living so close to Luckwell Primary School that I can hear children in the playground when I work from home, I am motivated to utilise my skills to improve the school that I will likely send my own children to in the future.
I have an extensive background in secondary education, teaching mathematics from KS3 to A Level. I have held leadership responsibilities, delivered training across different schools and hold other accreditation such as that from the National Council for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) for being a Mathematics Mastery Specialist and with the British Psychological Society (BPS) after gaining a distinction in a Psychology of Education Masters qualification. I have a strong understanding of various barriers to education, SEND and safeguarding that led me to be successful in my role within a youth justice service where I provided interventions to reduce offending behaviours, improve mental health and keep children safe from criminal exploitation. Now working with Ofsted, I work in a range of social research and data analysis projects relevant to education and vulnerable children.
Alex PeacockParent Governor
Alex Peacock
I currently have one child attending Luckwell, with another due to start in 2026. I have been an active member of the school community and more recently, within the PTA.
I work within the Medical Physics Service Improvement team in an Oncology Centre. I optimize workflows, improve efficiency, accuracy and expedite access to treatment within a network of Hospitals.Outside this, I love to learn and am often found with my nose in a book – although I am partial to a bit of Reality TV…
Luckwell Primary School are recruiting Community Governors to serve on the school’s Academy Committee . Click Here for recruitment information.
This is an exciting opportunity to work in collaboration with others to secure great learning and teaching for all students, and to improve outcomes for the children at Luckwell Primary School.
The role involves attendance at one meeting per school term and pre-arranged visits to the school. Training is provided and we welcome candidates from our school community with no previous governor experience,We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children & an enhanced DBS check is required for the successful applicant.
Applications by email to the Clerk to Governors: via
Luckwell Academy Committee minutes are available on request to the School Office.The Chair/Vice Chair of the Academy Committee can be contacted confidentially by email or by post via Luckwell Primary School, Breach Rd , Bristol, BS3 3ET.
The School is a member of the Excalibur Academies Trust - a company limited by guarantee companies house number 08146633.
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