Please use the following e-mail address to contact the Luckwell safeguarding team.
At Luckwell Primary School we are committed to providing a safe and caring environment for our school community. We aim to provide an environment where everyone feels they can share any worries or concerns about their safety or the safety of others. We aim to protect children from harm and promote the welfare of children.
We have members of staff who are specifically trained and named as the safeguarding team. They are
Lilly ByersPrincipal and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lilly Byers
Cheryl Hillberg,Higher Level Teaching Assistant & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Cheryl Hillberg,
Colette OgborneHorseshoes Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Colette Ogborne
We follow Child Protection and safeguarding Procedures from Keeping Children Safe in Education and work with the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership. We follow our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which can be found in the policy section of the website. You will see from this policy that we have systems in place to share concerns regarding children’s welfare, child sexual exploitation, Prevent/radicalisation and female genital mutilation with our DSLs, parents and relevant external agencies. Part of our legal duty to safeguard our children may include us consulting with and taking advice from police or Children’s social care.
If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child you should speak to a member of the Safeguarding team or you can contact First Response on 0117 903 6444.
The Safeguarding Handbook can be viewed HERE
Safeguarding and well-being support
Understanding Your Child
Across the UK and internationally, the Solihull Approach supports mental health and wellbeing in parents, children, schools, older adults and high stress workplaces through an evidence based model in trainings, online courses and resources.
Click on the link below:
Home - Solihull Approach | Parenting
NSPCC - Speak out, stay safe!
Speak out, stay safe is a national programme run by the NSPCC. Usually they visit schools and hold assemblies and workshops to support children and young people. Currently they are unable to do this and are offering support online.
The Virtual Assembly for Yr3-6, featuring special appearances from Ant & Dec and David Walliams– can be viewed on Facebook here.
The Contacting Childline video embedded in the film can be viewed separately here
NSPCC have also launched ‘The Buddy Zone’ linked specifically to the Childline Under 12’s page, some details below;
Other NSPCC resources to support Primary School Age children
The Childline website is a brilliant source of information, advice and support for children and young people. In school we promote contact with Childline by phone 0800 1111 and via the website Children and young people can speak on the phone or use 1-2-1 Chat between 9am and midnight. They can still send emails at any time and these will be answered in the usual 24 hour time frame. For any children with a hearing impairment, the Deaf Zone is an additional resource on the website.
Net Aware includes advice from O2 and NSPCC experts on the social media apps and platforms kids are using. It covers the latest trends and most pressing issues facing kids online, helping parents, carers and young people to stay on top of things.
NSPCC Resources for parents and carers.
NSPCC has created a range of support resources for parents and for professionals
The NSPCC Adult Helpline is also an important source of support for anyone concerned about the safety of a child – adults can call 0808 800 5000 or report concerns online.
Top Ten Wellbeing tips
Staying Safe Online
Visit this website for home packs for staying safe online at home.
Childnet are pleased to introduce their newest, free, video resources which families can use together over the coming weeks. The Education Team at Childnet, who visit schools across the country delivering educational sessions to young people, as well as the adults who support them, have produced a series of six short interactive lessons.
These 10-15 minute videos are designed to be picked up and used by families with any young person aged 6-9.
Say no to Domestic Violence
Women's aid have created this space to help children understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it is happening to you.
You are not alone
#YouAreNotAlone campaign launched on April 11th 2020. Please share this with anyone who might need this support.
Do you feel worthless? Do you feel isolated? Does it feel like your life isn’t your own? Does someone else have control of you, your finances or your life? Do you worry about being at home with that person or do they question your every movement while you’ve been away? Domestic abuse doesn’t have to be violent. If you feel like you would like to talk to someone in strictest confidence please call Sarah Johnson on 07834126878 or email her at
Next Link domestic abuse telephone help lines are open 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday 0117 925 0680
Never alone
Contact numbers for help and support.
Young Minds
This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being. I hope that you find it helpful.
You can also contact the Luckwell safeguarding team for any help, support or advice.
Contacting the school nurse
Call the School Health Nursing Team and have a confidential chat on:
0300 124 5816
These phone lines will run until further notice, and will be staffed from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. For health information and advice about coronavirus, please go to the NHS 111 website in the first instance.